Живые обои для Android
Device Info Live WallPaper
Device Info Live WallPaper Android анимированные обои
Наслаждайтесь Прохладный Digital Device Info Часы Live Wallpaper!Device Info Live Wallpaper will indicate various device information of your phone in a cool way,snappily!
Below is the information which will be shown.
-Date/Time(Digital clock)
-CPU Usage(with history)
-Battery remain/temperature/voltage
-RAM Usage
-Internal Memory Usage
-External Memory Usage(SD-Card)
-Network connection state
-Wifi setting information
-CPU spec
-Device basic information
-Platform information
This LWP was also designed with consideration for the low-power consumption.
please enjoy!
Go to menu(home) -> wallpaper -> live wallpaper -> Device Info to view this wallpaper.
Device Info Ex Version can customize more as below.
-Background Color(Blue/Red/Green/Pink/Orange/Monochrome/Sepia)
-Brightness of background
-Text color
-Animation speed(Smooth/Standard/Battery efficient)
-12 hour display(Clock)
-Show the second or not(Clock)
-Reverse day and month(Clock)
-Be able to choose the information to be displayed
-Scroll left and right for providing blank pages for your widgets
-Be able to move each information stat frame.
-Fix a layout(Lock the position) or not
-Be able to select 'Celsius' or 'Fahrenheit' for battery temperature.
-Refresh Interval(CPU/Battery/Memory&Storage) инструкции инструкции Info Info
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