Java игры
Art of War

Art of War Java-игра
Art Of War is a real-time strategy game including the best traditions of computer RTS: dynamic gameplay, artificial intelligence, handsome 3D-rendered graphics, handiness.Actions take place in alternative present. In 1945, Germany surrendered immediately as the Soviet Army crossed its borders. This event had changed the history and resulted in two alliances' stand at the end of 20-th century - The North Atlantic Confederation (NAC) including USA, Canada, whole Europe, and the western part of USSR, on one side and The Great Asian Alliance (GAA), including Mideast, Siberia, China, India, and other Asian countries. Tension grew between these two powers over decades. The everlasting arms race exhausted the most necessary resources. Local conflicts aiming to possess territories of strategic importance took place more and more often.
You are honored to command The Confederation Army on the eastern front in Siberia. This is the most troubled direction. Last months the activity of GAA here is very insistent. The Confederation Command decided not to wait for GAA assuming to offensive and strike first. Info Info
Рейтинги и Отзывы (82)
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- От: Nigeria
- Телефон / Browser: OperaMini(MAUI_MRE;Opera Mini
Он-лайн регистрация
- От: Viet Nam
- Телефон / Browser: OperaMini(Nokia 230FW13.00.11;Opera Mini
Он-лайн регистрация
- От: Argentina
- Телефон / Browser: Android
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